The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive. Tata Power-DDL - Real Time Power Scenario

Tata Power-DDL Real Time Power Scenario

Tata Power-DDL SANCTION LOAD (MW) Tata Power-DDL ACTUAL LOAD (MW) Shortage(OD) / Surplus(UD) (MW)
895 819 -76
Today's Load Summary
Max Load (MW): 952.67 at 26-MAR-25 00:00 Min Load (MW): 876.05 at 26-MAR-25 01:45
Yesterday's Load Summary
Max Load (MW):1366.31 at 25-MAR-25 11:30 Min Load (MW): 783.49 at 25-MAR-25 03:45
Note: The real time data shown on this site is only for monitoring purpose and have no commercial impact. Data may become some time bad due to communication link failure as data is coming to the Website via different communication links.